The executive authority of the Namibia Football Association (NFA) lies within the powers of the Executive Council relative to Article 39 of the NFA Statutes. The Executive Council is a critical body entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring fair and transparent governance within the Association. The Executive Council (EC) was elected by the Members and delegates at the 32nd Ordinary Elective Congress of the NFA, held on Friday, 17th November 2023 in Windhoek. International guests like FIFA, CAF and COSAFA executives attended the 32nd Ordinary Elective Congress as observers and endorsed the free and fair election process and subsequently embraced its outcome.
The overarching mandate of the Executive Council, amongst others, is to give strategic direction to the Namibia Football Association and passing decisions on all matters that do not come within the sphere of responsibility of the Congress or are not reserved for other bodies by law or under the Statutes of the NFA. The Executive Council is the highest decision-making organ of the NFA between two Congresses. The Council discharges a crucial role in safeguarding the principles of good governance, promoting accountability, and maintaining the highest standards of integrity within the Association. The respective Executive Council members bring a conglomerate of expertise to the NFA relative to governance and football administration. This allows them to address challenges or disputes that may arise, fostering an environment conducive to the sustainable growth of football in Namibia.
With their impartiality and commitment to upholding the rules and regulations of football, the Executive Council helps steer the NFA towards greater professionalism and efficiency, further strengthening the foundation of football in the Republic of Namibia through all the football products of the NFA.

Robert Joel Shimooshili

Jakobus Murs Markus

Egidius Mangundu Nambara
Executive Councilor

Rafael Kamuyoyo
Executive Councilor

Michael Stephanus Situde
Executive Councilor

Precious Kahundu Chaka
Executive Councilor

Hailombe Joseph Hailombe
Executive Councilor

Laurence Tommy Kandudu
Executive Councilor